Web application session management gif

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Alluri madhavi 13-Oct-11 10:20 Ankur \m/ 26-May-11 21:32

I just have one doubt.
In your article you say:

Narendra Naidu wrote:

Here it is very important to note that cookie-less session handling would only work with relative URL's . If the URL given in an absolute URL from the root, then the request would go as a fresh request and another session would be generated for it.

Fair enough. But the examples you gave are:
form id code-keyword">form1" action=WebForm2.aspx>  works well --> form id code-keyword">form1" action=/WebApplication1/WebForm2.aspx>  doesn't well -->

Now as far as I understand, both the URLs are relative. The first one being relative to the current web page's directory and second one relative to the root of the web server .

So is it that request for different directory will be considered as a new request? Waiting for a clarification.
I will also try to check it out in my free time.

ramesh.p2010 13-Sep-10 1:31
nice one for beginers
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Shreerajath 10-Aug-10 2:07 christian_gnoth 14-Aug-09 8:26

I am using cookie based session handling in a browser and i am storing different values in two session variables.
with each request (reload of the page) the content of this variables is changed properly anbd i can access the new content through php.

But if I use Cookie variables the content changes only one time later - as i understand because the request comes from the server to the browser and i am using php on the server to change the content of the cookie variables.

Member 4417211 30-Jun-09 3:14 Rag Setty 7-May-08 7:16

Please let me know if any have any clue on this.

Chirag R Darji 19-Apr-07 23:47 Chirag Darji
Team Lead (MCP)
http://chiragrdarji.wordpress.com Manish Pansiniya 23-Nov-07 2:57

Really cool article. Of both, current article and of chirag too.

Sachin Gedam 31-Jul-06 0:03

Now I am facing a problem, how to get this abbreviation from client side? And how to get setting of client whether he has set daylight saving in his computer or not?

Do HTTP Header request helpful for this issue?

waiting for your kind help.

Sachin Gedam
(Software Engg.)
Pune India Aaryan Jo 13-Aug-06 19:54

I think i have a rough suggestion as to how u can go about coding for ur need.

Ur requirement can be fulfilled using Javascript and Ajax.

What u need to do is write a script thru which u'll be able to fetch the current date and time of the client machine.

Using this value, pass it to an AJAX server side function, where u'll be able to fetch the server's date and time.

Write another function to find out the difference . Additionally, for the daylight savings. that logic too can be included into this function.. coz we can set the time period when the daylight savings change for each time zone.

using these facts. v can calculate the time zone and set it as the return value for the Ajax function.

I know that this is like a lecture.. as i haven't written any code for this.

but i guess u must have understood. the theory part of it.

i'll post u the code ASAP.. but in the meantime please do try it out.

Aaryan Jo 13-Aug-06 20:13

One more suggestion, or maybe a better method.

From the request header we will get IP address.
Ip address will be distinct across the internet.
There will be some webservice to provide IPaddress - time zone mapping.. This is something we need to search and find out.

Hope this works too

Aaryan Jo 14-Aug-06 0:36

here's another option.

To get timezone:

Use javascript to detect the user's timezone offset (this assumes that user's time and timezone settings are correct!) and set it in a cookie or pass it to your page in the query_string.

Sachin Gedam 15-Aug-06 19:04

Hi Aaryan,
Very good morning and thanks for your kind reply.. but as I say there might be strong possibility that 3-4 time zone shares same GMTOffset so we can not believe on GMTOffset to determine its time zone name or abbrevaition. And among them there might be possibility that 1 time zone follwos daylight saving. In that case our conversion may be wrong. So we can not work on JavaScript gettimezoneoffset function.