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Gere, Anne Ruggles. "Kitchen Tables and Rented Rooms: The Extracurriculum of Composition." CCC 45.1 (1994): 75-92.
Gere sees composition scholars as having neglected to recount the history of composition in contexts outside the school classroom. She briefly reviews contemporary community-based writer's groups that encourage participants to hone their craft. She then examines historical popular magazines and women's clubs that encouraged literacy practices outside academia. In urging an examination of the relationship between domestic and academic scenes, Gere does not claim we should move away from current professionalism but rather that we consider "our own roles as agents within the culture that encompasses the communities on both sides of the classroom wall."
Listed below are links to articles that reference Anne Ruggles Gere. Kitchen Tables and Rented Rooms: The Extracurriculum of Composition.
Works Cited Applebee, Arthur. Tradition and Reform in the Teaching of English. Urbana: NCTE, 1974. Bentson, Kimberly W. "Being There: Performance as Mise-en-Scene, Abscene, Obscene and Other Scene." PMLA 107 (1992): 434-449. Bok, Edward. "Editor's Column." Ladies Home Journal 7 (1890): 12. Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle Record Book, CLSC Clubhouse, Chautauqua, New York, 1904 (unpaged). "Column." Bay View Magazine 5.2 (1897): 6. Connors, Robert, Lisa Ede and Andrea Lunsford. Essays on Classical Rhetoric and Modern Discourse. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1984. Fisher, George. The American Instructor: Or; Young Man's Best Companion. Philadelphia: Franklin and Hall, 1748. Freedman, Jonathan. "Beyond the Usual Suspects: Theorizing the Middlebrow." Unpublished paper, U of Michigan, 1993. Goodman, Nathan, Ed. A Benjamin Franklin Reader. New York: Crowell, 1945. Graff, Gerald. Professing Literature: An Institutional History. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1987. Hale, Sarah Josepha. "Editor's Column." Godey's Ladies Magazine 16 (1838):191. Heath, Shirley Brice. "Toward an Ethnohistory of Writing in American Education." Writing: The Nature, Development and Teaching of Written Communication. Ed. Marcia Farr Whiteman. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1981. Heller, Carol Elizabeth. "Writers of the Tenderloin." Unpublished essay. U of California, Berkeley, 1987. ---. "The Multiple Functions of the Tenderloin Women's Writing Workshop: Community in the Making." Diss. U of California, Berkeley, 1992. ---. The Tenderloin Women's Writing Workshop: Until We Are All Strong Together. New York: Teacher College Press, forthcoming. Hoffman, Nicole Tonkovich. "Scribbling, Writing, Author(iz)ing Nineteenth Century Women Writers." Diss. U of Utah, 1990. Holt, Thomas. "Knowledge is Power': The Black Struggle for Literacy." The Right to Literacy. Eds. Andrea A. Lunsford, Helene Moglen, and James Slevin. New York, MLA, 1990. 91-102. Hubbard, Ruth. Notes from the Underground: Unofficial Literacy in One Sixth Grade." Anthropology and Education Quarterly 20 (1989): 291-307. Kitzhaber, Albert Raymond. "Rhetoric in American Colleges, 1850-1900." Diss. U of Washington, 1953. Larcom, Lucy. A New England Girlhood. Boston: Houghton, 1889. Miller, Susan. Textual Carnivals: The Politics of Composition. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1991. Moore, Elizabeth, Dora Gilbert Tompkins, and Mildred MacLean. English Composition for College Women. New York: Macmillan, 1914. Oxley, J. MacDonald. "Column." Ladies Home Journal 9 (1894):16. Perrin, Porter Gale. "The Teaching of Rhetoric in the American Colleges before 1750." Diss. U of Chicago, 1936. Porter, Dorothy B. "The Organized Educational Activities of Negro Literary Societies, 1828-1846." The Journal of Negro Education 5 (1936):555-576. Rudolph, Frederick. American College and University: A History. New York: Vintage, 1962. ---. Saturday Morning Club Yearbook, 1898, Schlesinger Library, Cambridge, MA. Terdiman, Richard. "Is there Class in this Class?" The New Historicism. Ed. H. Aram Veeser. New York: Routledge, 1989. Vincent, David. Literacy and Popular Culture: England 1750-1914. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1989. Wagner, Jay P. "Alamakee Farmers Cultivate Writing Habits." Des Moines Register 12 March 1991. ---. "Writers in Overalls." The Washington Post. 2 January 1993. Wolf, Robert. Free River Press Newsletter I. (January, 1993): l. ---, ed. Voices from the Land. Lansing, Iowa: Free River Press, 1992.