About Us – Department of Microbiology

Microbiology is a broad discipline that involves the study of the biology of bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa. Microbiology impacts upon a wide range of areas including, human and animal health, the environment, food technology and safety, as well as the biotechnology industry.

The course has diverse focal points

Microbiology at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike is concerned with the study of microorganisms, their diversity, structure, molecular biology, and how they interact with humans, other living organisms and the environment in both harmful and beneficial ways. As an applied biological science, Microbiology deals with many important practical problems in medicine, agriculture, biodegradation, bioenergy production and food industries. Microbiology is at the hearth of biotechnology industries. Students pursuing a programme in Microbiology will have opportunity to take course work related to these important areas.

The Department is dedicated to the University’s vision which aims to provide knowledge through which food and security will be assured. Hence the motto: ‘Knowledge, Food and Security’


The mission of the Department is to provide a broad exposure to the theory and practice of Microbiology, provide excellence in the areas of research and training, and educatestudents in various applications of Microbiology to achieve the vision of the Department and the University.

The Department is also committed to the training of her students to become professionally competent and confident graduates with exquisite dexterity for the betterment of Nigeria.

Philosophy of the Department

The philosophy of the Department has been designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the concept of microorganisms in relationship to mankind and the environment.

The importance of microorganisms in the industrial, health and environmental sectors is highlighted by the programme and in conjunction with the relevant training in ancillary courses/programmes, the Department produces quality graduates with broad-based knowledge in Microbiology, graduates that can be self-employed or take up employment and compete successfully with their peers locally and internationally.

Objective of the Department

To achieve the above objectives, students are exposed to core and requiredcourses in the main areas of medical, industrial, food and environmental Microbiology. Students are also exposed to ancillary courses in Chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry, Botany, Zoology, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Sciences to enable them get enough background knowledge in basic science and information technology to have a rational approach to the chosen field of study. Furthermore, students are exposed to General Courses and Entrepreneurship studies both of which broaden the knowledge of the students, thus enabling them to be effective and responsive in the global society. The industrial training programme done in the third year affords the students practical experience in the field. This helps to prepare the student for a career in applied Microbiology.

Our History

Microbiology as a programme started under Biological Sciences in 1997/1998 academic session. Microbiology remained under Biological Sciences until 2004/2005 when it became an autonomous Department. The first graduates of Microbiology passed out in 2001/2002. They were six in number. Thereafter the graduands continued to increase in number. The Department had full accreditation in 2007.