
Groundomania, also called grounding fetish, grounding addiction, grounding hysteria or Boris Syndrome, is a fictional mental disorder in which the main symptom is the unhealthy obsession of "grounding" people, especially minors, such as one's own children, often by torturing them and giving them irrealistic grounding sentences if they fail to conform to irrationally rigid expectations of proper behavior, criminality and parentally or authoritarian abusive behavior in general. The abusive parenting caused by groundomania is technically grounding abuse.

The most famous case of this disorder is Boris Anderson, the father of GoAnimate Caillou and Rosie. His case is so severe that it is untreatable and made him extremely infamous, and he even has an alter-ego that includes an evil groundomaniac ten times more rabid as well (BTTG).

Symptoms may include:

Their behavior can either be caused by a fetish, a traumatic event, hatred towards a "bad child", unresolved anger issues, delusions, hearing voices that encourage grounding, or socio-cultural pressure (mind corruption). It is an extremely common mental problem within GoAnimate citizens, mostly with the adult population. It is unsure whether there is an actual amendment in the GoAnimate/Vyond laws that stated that no person 18 or above is able to get grounded, nor if any law mentions the grounding hysteria.

Oddly enough, there can be an opposite of this disorder, called ungroundomania. Some people may have a mix of both addictions.

Variants of this include expulsomania, which is the obsession of expelling students; detentiomania, the obsession of giving detentions; and castigomania, the obsession of giving any kind of punishment. Not only parents can be affected by groundomania; any kind of adult authrotiy figure can be affected, such as a teacher, a boss, a babysitter or a warden. But, groundomania affects fathers more often than any other group.

When the grounding victims behave well, the groundomaniac may go through a period of grounding withdrawal, which can cause unprovoked attempts at grounding or punishing with no context.

The GoAnimate/Vyond practice of obsessively grounding and punishing people is called the "grounding culture".