Avoiding Common Errors

Approval is only required if an individual granted the power of attorney. Approval is not required for corporate (bank) attorney-in-fact deeds.

To avoid common errors, before you submit your attorney-in-fact deed, power of attorney and affidavit of attorney-in-fact, check to make sure:

Claim of unregistered interest

Divorce decree

A decree of dissolution or summary real estate disposition judgment must be approved to transfer title if there is no deed from the divested owner.

Probate transfer

Includes deed of sale, deed of distribution, decree of distribution, decree of descent, summary assignment.

Before you submit your deed from a personal representative and probate documents, check to make sure:

Trustee's deed/plat signed by trustee

Only individual and testamentary trust deeds need examiner’s approval. Approval is not required for corporate (bank) trust deeds.

Before you submit your trustee's deed, certificate of trust and affidavit of trustee, check to make sure: