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Goodwill letters on late payments ---UPDATE


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Established Contributor ‎10-06-2020 09:56 AM ‎10-06-2020 09:56 AM Re: Goodwill letters on late payments ---UPDATE
@Anonymous wrote:


I sent multiple letters to this address: Discover Financial Services P.O. Box 30943 Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0943. I think this is the one that worked. I'm guessing I got lucky and the right person at the right time opened one of them and took care of it. I never got a call , letter or email saying they would. Just opened my credit report and bam..they were gone!

I did email the CEO, but got back a letter and email from someone in his office, saying they could not offer a goodwill adjustment. So it was the hard copy letters that worked.

Honestly, in my letters. I just told the truth. Company I was working for was sold, lost my job, moved across country for a new job and got behind. Basically, life happened. Haha. Told them I'm in a good place the past 5 years. I've been a loyal customer for 19 years and only had those 3 missed payments.

Good luck.

PS- I'm still trying to crack Capital One. They are a tough one. But I keep sending letters and emails.

@Anonymous Thank you for providing these details. I'm glad to hear those lates got removed. I sent the email today and will be sending off letters today or tomorrow as well!